
Link to PDF of Final Redistricting Map – Voted by the School Committee January 30, 2024

As part of the planning for the elementary building projects, in the 2019-2020 school year the district engaged in a comprehensive redistricting process to be implemented once the two new schools were completed and the district consolidated to six elementary schools. The district also committed in 2020 to review the map during the 2023-24 school year for any needed adjustments.

After a thorough analysis of current student enrollment and assignment patterns, along the Fiske/Hunnewell boundary line and the Bates/Hardy boundary line. These changes help ensure that the plan to be implemented in Fall 2024 remains closely aligned with the goals and priorities established as part of the redistricting process.?Following community forums on January 25 and January 29, the School Committee approved these changes in its January 30 meeting. The updated map is shown below.

Area in Dark Pink to Remain at Bates
Area in Dark Green to Move to Hunnewell
Updated Elementary Redistricting Map – Voted January 2024