The 麻豆视频直播 Public 麻豆视频直播’ calendars were created in Google Calendar and as a result are compatible with a variety of iCal compliant calendar programs (such as Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc). There is a main district calendar that includes all district-wide dates, such as holidays and vacations. Everyone should subscribe to this main calendar. There is also a calendar for each school, with school-specific events, so you only need to subscribe to the school calendars that are relevant to your family. Each calendar has a unique iCal address that you can use to subscribe to it with most online calendars and smartphones. When you subscribe to a calendar, events that are added or updated by WPS will automatically be updated on your device or online calendar too.
WPS iCal URL’s
First – Subscribe to the Districtwide Calendar:
Everyone should subscribe to this calendar, which includes all districtwide dates, such as holidays and vacations.
WPS Districtwide Holiday and Vacation Calendar
Next – Subscribe to all the individual School Calendars relevant to you or your family:
These calendars only contain dates specific to each school, they do NOT contain holidays and vacations.
P.A.W.S. Preschool Calendar
Bates Elementary School Calendar
Fiske Elementary School Calendar
Hardy Elementary School Calendar
Hunnewell Elementary School Calendar
Schofield Elementary School Calendar
Sprague Elementary School Calendar
Upham Elementary School Calendar
麻豆视频直播 Middle School Calendar
麻豆视频直播 Middle School Blocks & Cycle Days Calendar (Additional)
Caution: This is a limited calendar, it does NOT include key events, only the Blocks (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, ADV…) and cycle days (1, 2, 3…)
麻豆视频直播 High School Calendar (Recommended)
麻豆视频直播 High School Cycle Days Only Calendar (Additional)
Caution: This is a limited calendar, it does NOT include key events, only the cycle days, as in Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.
麻豆视频直播 High School Blocks & Cycle Days Calendar (Additional)
Caution: This is a limited calendar, it does NOT include key events, only the Color Blocks (Orange, Yellow, Green, Red, Blue, Purple, Tan…) and cycle days (1, 2, 3…)
WPS Religious and Cultural Observances Calendar
Performing Arts Calendars:
WHS Performance Calendar
WMS Performance Calendar
Elementary Performance Calendar
Athletics Calendars:
Visit the Athletics Department website and follow the links to BigTeams to subscribe to the sports you are interested in.
Subscribe via Google Calendar
- From your computer go to Google Calendar and login with your personal or school google account.
- On the left side of the screen there is a list of calendars. Under “Other Calendars” click the plus (+) button to the right and select “From URL”.
- A pop-up window appears, paste the URL for the WPS Districtwide Calendar into the box:
- Click “Add Calendar.”
- Repeat Steps 2-4 for every school calendar you would like to add. Please see the list at at the top of this page for the URL for each school’s calendar.
Subscribe via Apple Calendar
- From your Mac highlight and copy the iCal URL for the calendar you want to add. Let’s start with the WPS Districtwide Vacations and Holidays Calendar:
- Open the Apple Calendar program that came with your Mac.
- Go to File > New Calendar Subscription.
- Paste the URL you copied in step 1 into the box and click “Subscribe.”
- Adjust the settings to your preference and click “OK.” For example you can choose the color, how frequently you would like the calendar to sync and whether or not to display pop-up alerts.
- Repeat Steps 1-5 for every school calendar you would like to add. Please see the list at at the top of this page for the URL for each school’s calendar.
Subscribe via iPad or iPhone
Note: If you already sync your calendars from your computer to your tablet or phone, you may not need to bother with this extra step.
- From your iPad or iPhone, highlight and copy the iCal URL for the calendar you want to add. Let’s start with the WPS Districtwide Vacations and Holidays Calendar:
- On your tablet or phone, go to Settings > Passwords & Accounts > Add Account.
- Select “Other.”
- Select “Add Subscribed Calendar.”
- Now paste that iCal URL from the first step and click “Next.”
- Your tablet/phone will verify the calendar and then you can click “Save.”
- You are now subscribed and WPS Districtwide vacations and holidays will appear in your phone’s calendar. And when any dates are updated by WPS they will also be updated on your tablet or phone.
- Repeat Steps 1-7 for every school calendar you would like to add. Please see the list at at the top of this page for the URL for each school’s calendar.
Troubleshooting and Tips
- Be sure to “subscribe” to the calendars, rather than just “adding” the calendar events. When you subscribe the calendar will automatically sync with your device and any new events will automatically be added. For example if an event is cancelled and rescheduled due to bad weather, your calendar will automatically be updated.
- If you already sync your calendars with your phone, you probably have the option to sync all your newly subscribed calendars to your phone too.
- Technical Questions: WPS WebTeam